This page gives you through a few pictures, videos and data, a rough snapshot of who the Bassa Mpoo Bati of Cameroon are. We hope it will not take more than 10 minutes of your time.
Table of Content
The Bassa, Mpoo, Bati are bantu ethnic groups. They are believed to originate from the Nile Valley in The ancient Egypt. After successive migrations, they settled in the Atlantic coasts of Cameroon, Central and West Africa.
Bassa Subgroups in Cameroon
Bassa, Mpoo, Bati, Basso, Bibeng, Ndokpenda

Cameroon regions where Bassa Mpoo Bati have settled
- Center Region: Nyong et Ekelle Division (Likol family)
- Littoral Region: Sanaga Maritime Division (Bikok & Babimbi families), Nkam Division (Log Kat family)
- Southwest Region: Limbe, Buea, Muyuka

Bassa in Other Countries in Africa
- Republic of Congo: Bassa of Oueso
- Democratic Republic of Congo: Bassaa la Mpassu
- Niger: Bassa-Nkomo
- Nigeria: Bassa-Kaduna, Bassa Nge
- Sierra Leone, Senegal, Togo, Liberia: Bassa-Ri
Bssa People from Liberia Bassa Girls from Grand Bassa County Liberia
Religion, Holy Sites & Totems
- Lilolombi: The Bassa have their own traditional religion. Although Christianity is now the most common religion among the Bassa, beliefs in traditional religion are still prominent. Lilolombi is the supreme being and the divine creator in Bassa traditional religion.
- Ngog-Lituba: Literally pierced stone, is considered the cradle of the Bassa people. The legend is that the Bassa took refuge inside to escape extermination from Foulbe.
- Spider: Saved the Bassa people by closing the opening of the Ngog Lituba with its web after the Bassa took refuge inside Ngog Lituba to escape the Foulbe.
- Nge: Deity who came to the world to restore order and created a secret society where initiated Bassa men (a.k.a Nge-Nge) learn the secret of transmutation. Nge-Nge like to change into werewolf.
Spider Ngog-Lituba
- Assiko is the best known music style. Traditional Assiko is played with bottles. Jean Bikoko (a.k.a. Aladin) is the father of the modern Assiko
- Other traditional dances: Lihongo, Nkouk
- Modern Bassa singers or musical groups: X Maleya, Belka Tobis, …
If you are invited to dinner or lunch by a Bassa family in Cameroon, chances are you will come across some of the dishes below. Some of the dishes such as mbongo-tjobi, are specific Bassa dishes. Others such as Ndole are national dishes that you will find in any Cameroonian family.
Mbongo-tjobi Mituba Ndole Issock (nsanga) Bibomla Koki Ikok Nkono ngond
Heroes, famous sons and daughters
Ruben Um Nyobe
Hero, NationalistSamuel Etoo Fils
Soccer playerJean Bikoko
Father of the modern AssikoMaitre Alice Nkom
Human rights advocateTherese Ngann
First Cameroonian StylistRoger Milla
Soccer PlayerPhilomene Basseck
NovelistEmmanuel Tonye
Professor, ResearcherAchille Mbembe
Professor, Historian, writer