Unique, exceptional, not like anything organized before. This is how most participants and observers describe The Mbai Bassa California 2019 Silicon Valley Gala and Cultural Events organized in partnership with Mbog Liaa the word wide network of organizations of Bassa Mpoo Bati people.
From Friday 11/22/2019 to Sunday 11/24/2019 participants from Cameroon, Europe and North America attended events organized throughout the San Francisco Bay area and Silicon Valley. The goal was to celebrate the Bassa-Mpoo-Bati Culture, educate the general public about the Bassa-Mpoo-Bati culture, launch the activities of Mbog Liaa USA West Coast and introduce Silicon Valley to participants.
For Alain Nonga President of Mbai Bassa California and newly installed President of Mbog Liaa USA West Coast section, the success of the events was well beyond organizers’ expectations: (1) Based on their own feedback, we know that participants had a very good time; (2) Through our activities the general public and other communities in the San Francisco Bay area discovered the dynamism of our people and the richness of our culture; (3) We all agreed on the utmost importance of working together as a community and coordinating our actions to have a meaningful impact on the ground. There is a real momentum toward that goal. The launching of the Mbog Liaa USA West Coast section is just one of the first steps. Participants left with a set of action items to work on and prioritize in order to define some common goals in the short term, mid term and long term.
We want to thank all participants. They are the ones who really made this a tremendous success. Their energy and enthusiasm were palpable.
Our special thanks to Jerome & Sara Minlend who traveled all the way from Cameroon to support us. We owe them a huge debt and a lot of gratitude for their dedication and exceptional leadership at the service of the Bassa-Mpoo-Bati culture. We also thank Pie Bayehe, President of Mbog Liaa USA for his tremendous support at the fore front and behind the scene. Kudos to the Mbai Bassa team for their hard work, the two MCs and our brothers and sisters from the Bassa-Mpoo-Bati Association of Los Angeles for their enthusiasm and energy. They really rock!
Highlights of the Gala and Cultural Events
Silicon Valley Tech Tour – Intel Visit
The Mbai Bassa California – Mbog Liaa delegation got an in-depth guided tour of the Intel Museum located within the Robert Noyce Building at the Intel HQ in Santa Clara. Robert Noyce is the co-founder of Intel and co-inventor of the Integrated Circuit that forms the brain of every computing device today. The delegation learned about the design and manufacturing of silicon chips, the evolution of Intel products since 1969 and how they have been changing the world.
Block of pure silicon Clean room bunny suit
Participants took the time to have some fun
Silicon Valley Tech Tour – NASA Ames Visit
NASA’s Ames Research Center, one of ten NASA field centers, is located in the heart of California’s Silicon Valley at the Moffett Field Site in Mountain View. Since 1939, Ames has led NASA in conducting world-class research and development in aeronautics, exploration technology and science including modern satellites.
The Mbai Bassa California – Mbog Liaa delegation visited the immense site and the Moffett Field Museum where are exposed US Navy equipment associated with the Moffet Field site since WWII including: aircraft, blimps, balloons and anti-submarines warfare equipment.
Adna Ni Ikwell Mbog Roundtable
The round table took place at the OWH TV Studios in Oakland. Guest speakers were Jerome Minlend, CEO of CAC International and General President of Mbog Liaa, Dr. Crepin Mahop, Professor of Mathematics and Director of Undergraduate studies at Howard Universities, Ferdinand Mayega, Journalist, Author and Lecturer. The session was live streamed on Facebook. The round table centered around the importance of knowing our culture and traditions. Some of the key take away from the debates:
- We must stay united as a community. That is a prerequisite to be effective in anything we undertake.
- It is of utmost importance to preserve our language. If nothing is done it is going to disappear in a generation or two and with it our culture.
- We must embrace and use all the modern tools at our disposal to promote and preserve the richness of our culture.
Silicon Valley Gala
The most anticipated event was the Gala on Saturday 11/23/2019 in Oakland in an exceptional venue just across the famous lake Meritt and within the compound of the historical Lady of Lourdes church. The waiting was worth. The experience was just exceptional.
Three artists Ange Bagnia, Jean Jacques Bikoi and Tonye Jackson offered a unique live entertainment and as usual DJ Carl stayed on top of his game proving one more time that he his the best in the West Coast.
Attendants especially liked the Mbai Bassa California “Together We Go Farther” Backdrop in three languages: Bassa, English and French. Making a photo souvenir in front of the backdrop a must. The Nkono cutting ceremony also had an immense success.
Mbog Liaa USA West Coast officers were officially installed during the Gala.
Together we go farther Backdrop
Nkono Cutting Ceremony
Mbog Liaa USA West Coast Officer Installation
Mbog Liaa USA West Coast is a new chapter of Mbog Liaa USA. It will offer to Bassa-Mpoo-Bati Associations and communities in the West Coast of the USA a common platform to coordinate and scale up their actions.
Alain Nonga
PresidentMireille Ngo Gambi,
TreasurerMichela Yette,
VP Public Relations
Award For Exceptional Leadership At Service of The Bassa-Mpoo-Bati Culture
Mbai Bassa California presented an Award to Jerome Minlend General President of Mbog Liaa for his exceptional leadership in promoting the Bassa-Mpoo-Bati culture for more than three decades now.
The Artists
An exceptional and diversified live entertainment.
Ange Bagnia JJ Bikoi Tonye Jackson
Picnic And Wine Tasting
This was the last event of the week-end. It took place at the sumptuous Concannon Vineyard. Participants shared a great variety of cheese, bread, and Bordeaux inspired California wine in a relaxing environment, surrounded by stunning vistas and captivating beauty.
Fireside Chat & Networking
A warm-up before the big day!
Félicitations à toute l’équipe de Mbai Basaa Californie, pour un coup d’essai ça été un coup de maître. Nous avons vécu des moments exceptionnelles qui convergent tous vers le développement et l’épanouissement des Basaa mboo et Bâti.
Longue vie à Mbai Basaa Californie et sa dynamique équipe dirigeante.
À bientôt